I am incredibly happy that over the years, the fun-loving Moose March gang has grown larger and larger. At some point, it only seemed right to channel the collective kindness of this group towards helping others! Since 2018, we have associated with several charities, and I am proud to say that together we have raised thousands of dollars – thank you to all who have donated!

This Year’s Charity Affiliation

This year we are once again affiliating with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and our goal is to help our friend April Sirleaf achieve Woman of the Year on behalf of her son Andrew. We are asking for a $20 donation per T Shirt, and 100% of all donations go directly to the charity.

Click here to read Andrew’s story!

Facebook Donation Link
LLS Direct Donation Link

Previous Charity Affiliations


LLS Man & Woman of the Year for Tony Zaki on behalf of Andrew Sirleaf


Multiple Myeloma Foundation on behalf of Jason Valetutto and in memory of Brad Coustan


Operation Jersey Cares
“Never Again Shall One Generation Forget Another.”


Operation Jersey Cares
“Never Again Shall One Generation Forget Another.”