they’re heeeeeere!
The 2018 Moose March T-Shirts have arrived!! I am really excited— they are super comfortable, and the safety orange logo/word marks are bright! Can’t wait to share them with all of you!
The 2018 Moose March T-Shirts have arrived!! I am really excited— they are super comfortable, and the safety orange logo/word marks are bright! Can’t wait to share them with all of you!
The growing number of people who attend Moose March is simply amazing. Last year, we had nearly 100 people at several locations. There is SO MUCH GOOD that all of these amazing people can do…
The 2018 T Shirts are being ordered! Heathered brown with orange logo/word marks. I got so many comments on how comfortable last year’s T shirts were…that I decided to order the same kind. Below are…
OJC – Please Donate Here Moose March gets bigger by the year. In addition to having a ton of fun, we also have the opportunity to do some good. In 2017, we proudly associated…
The countdown begins…June 9, 2018 we are celebrating our summer-starting tradition…Moose March! This has turned into much more than a birthday bar crawl. It’s a time for friends to get together, some who haven’t seen…
Get ready for another fun event! Moose March VII will be on June 9, 2018! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Reposting an oldie but goodie!! See all of you beautiful people tomorrow! ❤️ ‘Tis the night before Moose March,and all through the townHums a buzz about funThat’s about to go down. The T-shirts are ready,All…
Moose March 2017 T shirts are here! All 92 of them, in their “Reflex Blue on Heathered Turquoise” glory! We went fancy this year. 😆 On the front is the usual moose logo with “Moose…
Well…the name anyway… We were trying to plan something for my birthday in 2012…and the idea of a bar crawl was born. I explained all this in the very first post, What Is Moose March….
3 days to go until Moose March VI! To celebrate, here are some pictures from Moose March 3. After the success of the first two Moose Marches, we held the epic trilogy. We had a…